
Kernan Equip is the place for you to go deeper into God's truth. Whether it's doing an in-depth study of a particular book of the Bible, learning more about marriage and parenting, or being trained to share the gospel, we want Kernan to be a place where you can easily be resourced and equipped to live for God in your everyday life.

Kernan Equip follows a semester-style schedule, offering classes in the Fall and Spring. Class topics include: Bible book studies, theology, world religions, biblical storyline, sharing the gospel, apologetics, home life, and ethics.

Anyone is welcome to participate at any point during the semester. Sign-up today!

Christian Beliefs

wednesdays at 6:30pm
equip room
book cost: $10

God doesn’t call every Christian to go off to seminary, but there are certain matters of doctrine—that is, the church’s teaching—that every Christian simply must know. Theology is important, because what we believe affects how we live. If you’re a relatively new believer in Jesus, or if you’re a more mature Christian looking to go deeper in the faith, Christian Beliefs is for you.

Cookies on the Lower Shelf

Women Only
Wednesdays at 6:30pm
Room 204​
Book Cost: $15

Cookies on the Lower Shelf provides a step-by-step guide beginning with God's beautiful creation in Genesis to the rabble-rousing days of the Judges of Israel. Meet Adam and Eve, weather the flood with Noah, and sojourn with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Go from the land of Canaan into Egypt with Joseph, then back out again as Moses and the children of Israel travel to the Promised Land. See tremendous victories under Joshua and chilling defeats during the time of the Judges.